Financing is an essential component in the creation of a movie. Action Studio Entertainment offers to investors privileged access to its original IP and a participate to all those selected films produced by our studio for the global market.
Investors will be guided to understand the structure of a film production and will participate to the casting process, agencies relationship, distribution process and the marketing of the film.
A Growing Catalog

Financing is an essential component in the creation of a movie. Action Studio Entertainment offers to investors privileged access to its original IP and a participate to all those selected films produced by our studio for the global market.
Investors will be guided to understand the structure of a film production and will participate to the casting process, agencies relationship, distribution process and the marketing of the film.
A Growing Catalog

Financing is an essential component in the creation of a movie. Action Studio Entertainment offers to investors privileged access to its original IP and a participate to all those selected films produced by our studio for the global market.
Investors will be guided to understand the structure of a film production and will participate to the casting process, agencies relationship, distribution process and the marketing of the film.
A Growing Catalog
BUDGET: small / medium - *readers' recommended

Financing is an essential component in the creation of a movie. Action Studio Entertainment offers to investors privileged access to its original IP and a participate to all those selected films produced by our studio for the global market.
Investors will be guided to understand the structure of a film production and will participate to the casting process, agencies relationship, distribution process and the marketing of the film.
A Growing Catalog

Financing is an essential component in the creation of a movie. Action Studio Entertainment offers to investors privileged access to its original IP and a participate to all those selected films produced by our studio for the global market.
Investors will be guided to understand the structure of a film production and will participate to the casting process, agencies relationship, distribution process and the marketing of the film.
A Growing Catalog

Financing is an essential component in the creation of a movie. Action Studio Entertainment offers to investors privileged access to its original IP and a participate to all those selected films produced by our studio for the global market.
Investors will be guided to understand the structure of a film production and will participate to the casting process, agencies relationship, distribution process and the marketing of the film.
A Growing Catalog
Pinocchio is a LIVE ACTION feature film that follows an eager, bright-eyed young boy into a stunning, often dangerous magic visual world. It updates the feel of the classic morality tale while maintaining its timeless, family-friendly lessons and pervasive, whimsical fantasy.
The story of Pinocchio is one of connection.
Between parents and children, between people and the world and, ultimately, the choices that define our humanity as something different and more purposeful than mere animal survival.

TITLE: PINOCCHIO adventure to Toyland
FILM LENGTH: Between 95 to 105 minutes
TARGET AUDIENCE: Family, global (inc China)
WRITERS: Richard Abercrombie,

So while we follow Pinocchio on his seemingly simple quest to make his father happy, it is the hard lessons along the way, often learned too late, that ground the story and give us a chance to witness Pinocchio's emergence as a “real boy” - a character we care about and want to see succeed.
It is considered a canonical piece of children's literature and has inspired hundreds of new editions, stage plays, merchandising and movies. According to extensive research done by UNESCO sources, it has been adapted in over 260 languages worldwide. That makes it the most translated non-religious book in the world, and one of the
best-selling books ever published.
Its pedagogical mission notwithstanding, the story remains a thoroughly enjoyable, timeless classic.

Despite being, on its surface, a child's story, the world Pinocchio ventures into is dangerous and often dark as you may see in successful movies like Alice in Wonderland or The Beauty and the Beast. Because of this, Pinocchio must learn the same things we all must – and quickly. We must overcome, we must learn to identify and accept help from good people and we must find ways to keep going when the world seems to work against us.
Over the course of the adventure, Pinocchio builds on what he learns to make better and better decisions, ultimately leading him to a universal truth: that love is the force of nature that connects us and thereby makes us real.